President Trump To Announce Supreme Court Pick Next Week
President Donald Trump has said that his choice for the replacement of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will likely be announced by next week. “I think the choice will be next week,” the President told reporters on Saturday as he left the White House on his way for a campaign trip. When he was asked if he will choose a woman to replace Ginsburg, the President answered that he most likely would.
“I could see most likely it would be a woman. Yeah… I would say that a woman would be in first place, the choice of a woman would certainly be appropriate,” the President said. Choosing a woman is a likely move to avoid the accusations of sexism usually leveled during such high-level appointments but it will not avoid the pure backlash that would be generated by the appointment. Leftists are already threatening to commit more riots and violence against conservatives if the President goes ahead with appointing someone to replace Ginsburg.
The President mentioned that he already has a shortlist of possible nominees to become a justice of the Supreme Court. “I’ve gotten to know many of them. From a legal standpoint, from a sophisticated understanding of the law, from a constitutional standpoint, I think it’s the greatest list ever assembled,” Trump said.
The President also said that he disagrees with those who say that there should be no appointment to the Supreme Court during an election year. One of those who have expressed such a view is Sen. Susan Collins who happens to be a Republican. “I totally disagree with her. We have an obligation. We won, and we have an obligation as the winner to pick who we want,” the President said. He is absolutely right that it is the obligation of those who have been elected to pick someone to take up the seat in the Supreme Court.
The Democrats are being hypocritical in their calls now to respect Ginsburg’s supposed final wish which was not to have her replaced right away. The Democrats would totally go ahead with the nomination if the roles have been reversed.