President Trump Takes Lead In North Carolina
It’s getting harder and harder for the Democrats and their media allies to maintain that Joe Biden is on track to beat President Donald Trump by a massive landslide. A poll released last Monday showed that the President had snatched the lead away from the very important North Carolina state. The poll was conducted by the Trafalgar Group.
This latest poll showed that Trump has 47.8 percent support, while Biden had 46.1 percent. The poll was conducted among 1,046 likely voters. The numbers show a trend that favors the President. The Democrats have constantly told the American public that Biden is way ahead of the President in the polls. Now, it seems that President Trump is closing that gap slowly but surely.
There are problems with how some of these polls are being conducted. Others have already questioned the way that they pick the respondents. Then there are those who say that the questions of the polls are biased towards Biden. Some conservatives also claim that they will not intentionally reveal who they will be voting for because they fear some kind of backlash if they reveal that they will be voting for President Trump. So, the polls are not a good indicator as to who will win. In fact, back in 2016, Hillary has always been ahead of the polls but she lost miserably to the President.
There is also anecdotal evidence that there is way more enthusiasm for President trump compared with Biden. The President’s rallies are still well-attended even though there are restrictions caused by the pandemic but compare that to Biden, who has been speaking to just a handful of reporters whenever he goes out, the enthusiasm for Trump is very evident.
There is fear now among the American public that whoever will win in the upcoming elections, the country will still collapse into violence as both sides are unlikely to concede.