Trump To Build National Park Honoring The Greatest Americans
President Trump is set to trigger leftists even more with his latest promise. On Friday evening, he said that he will be signing an executive order that will create a national park that’s dedicated to the greatest heroes in American history. The new national park will be called the “National Garden of American Heroes.”
The move is in reaction to all of the protests that have been happening all over the country. Leftists and communists have been attacking and destroying monuments and statues of people who played important roles in the history of the United States. Monuments to historical figures like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson have been destroyed because they were slave owners but even the statues of those who never owned slaves are being attacked. Even the monument that was erected to commemorate the freeing of the slaves was threatened. There is no reasoning behind the destruction being caused by the leftist mob. They just want to destroy everything that is American.
It’s a good thing that President Trump is such a strong patriot that he is willing to protect the monuments celebrating American history. His decision is sure to stir the anger of a lot of people on the left who will see it as a provocation. They will accuse him of racism again.
“I am announcing the creation of a monument to the giants of our past. I am signing an executive order to establish the National Guard of American Heroes, a vast outdoor park that will feature the statues of the greatest Americans who ever lived,” the President said. The national park, which is set to open in 2026, will feature great Americans like John Adams, Davy Crockett, Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, and George S. Patton, Jr. to name just a few.