Lincoln Statue In Washington D.C. Still Standing
President Lincoln’s statue in Washington D.C. is still standing despite the threat of vandals that they will be tearing it down. The statue, which is a monument to the emancipation of the slaves, depicts President Lincoln while standing over a slave in chains and holding the Emancipation Proclamation in one hand. It is a monument to a very important part of American history when the slaves were finally freed from oppression.
A group of protestors gathered around the statue on Friday and they threatened that the statue would be going down. After several hours of protesting, they did not make a move to destroy or vandalize the statue which is what had happened to so many other monuments all over the country. The Friday protest was just one of the numerous demonstrations that have taken place since George Floyd, a man with a long criminal history was killed in Minneapolis. Floyd was killed while being arrested by police officers after he paid using counterfeit money. He was also high on fentanyl at the time of his death.
Activists all over the country have started to use the death of Floyd, who has a history of run-ins with the law to protest against the systematic racism in the country. Their protests have since broken down into riots and into looting. Now, the so-called activists are targeting the monuments to American history. They have been destroying monuments and statues. They started with the monuments to Confederate officials but they are now calling for the destruction of monuments dedicated to important figures in American history. They have targeted the monuments of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ulysses S. Grant, and Theodore Roosevelt. Now they are targeting the Lincoln monument. The only common thing about those statues is that they are all for white men.
President Donald Trump has ordered hundreds of National Guardsmen to be on standby in the Washington D.C. area and be ready to help with guarding monuments and statues. The guardsmen were meant to provide help dealing with civil disturbance and they were unarmed.
Many of the protestors who are vandalizing the monuments are ignorant of the historical significance of the monuments they are desecrating. For the most part, many of them are just following what others are doing. This is the reason why they are willing to destroy a monument dedicated to the abolishing of slavery in the United States as a sign of protest against racism.