Voter Fraud: Trump Campaign Blasts Vote-By-Mail Order
President Trump’s election campaign made a statement that criticized the new executive order for the state of California allowing voters to vote via mail, claiming that it is a “thinly-veiled political tactic” meant to undermine the security of the upcoming election in November.
The communications director for the Trump campaign Tim Murtaugh also said in a statement to CNN that “there’s a vast difference between people voting absentee by mail because they can’t be at the poll on Election Day versus mailing everyone a ballot–even those who didn’t request one–is a wide-open opportunity for fraud.” They added that California has a bad record when it comes to ensuring the integrity of elections.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed an executive order, which allows all voters in the state to vote using mail. He cited the coronavirus as a convenient excuse for the order. Their claim is that the overcrowding in the voting centers could lead to a spike in new cases.
The move is highly controversial and is criticized by those on the right. They say that the order is too early since the elections are scheduled to happen in November. It is highly likely that the pandemic has died down by then or a vaccine could be discovered. In other words, the order is seen as too early and Newsom is seen to be too eager to implement it.
There are real fears that the voting-by-mail can lead to voter fraud since it would be easier to fake the votes then. It would be virtually impossible to verify all of the votes that would be sent by mail. The Democrats have been accused of allowing unqualified people to vote in the past, which is why some are fearful as to why they are very eager to implement the vote-by-mail route even if there is still a long way to go before the election takes place.
Newsom is not the only Democrat who is pushing for the vote-by-mail initiative. There are other leaders in the country who are calling for it to be enacted. This is leading some suspicious circles to wonder if they are up to no good.