Donald Trump Releases Guidelines for Reopening America “One Careful Step at a Time”
On Thursday, President Donald Trump announced new guidelines for reopening the country after weeks of lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The president made his announcement in a press conference held on Thursday. “We’re not opening all at once, but one careful step at a time,” Trump said. “We’re starting our life again.” The president also emphasized that the country and the economy will be reopening in a “safe, structured, and responsible” fashion.
The guidelines suggest that before we begin reopening, states should have a reported decrease in coronavirus cases and that its hospitals should be able to treat all of their patients. The guidelines suggest three phases for reopening also to allow each state to measure and assess if they are ready.
Phase one of the guideline, which are for states and regions that “satisfy the gating criteria,” recommends that some large facilities and businesses like movie theaters, sporting venues, gyms, sit down dining restaurants, and places of worship could resume operations, provided they still follow strict physical distancing and sanitizing protocols. However, crowded places such as schools, daycare, summer camps, and bars should remain closed.
Phase one also recommends all vulnerable individuals, like the elderly, should continue to “shelter and isolate in place.” And visits to senior facilities and hospitals would still be prohibited. The plan also strongly suggests that people should avoid socializing in groups of more than ten and to minimize non-essential travel.
For workers and employers, phase one still recommends continuing “telework,” if possible, and if going back to offices is necessary, Americans should return to work in phases, and not all at once. Office spaces are also subject to follow strict social distancing protocols.
Phase two of the guidelines, which are for states and regions with “no evidence of a rebound” and still satisfy the gating criteria, allow more spaces and businesses to reopen, including schools and bars. Elective surgeries could also resume, “as clinically appropriate,” as long as they follow CMS and federal guidelines. The ban on non-essential travel would also be lifted, but everyone is still strongly advised to follow social distancing and sanitizing protocols.
Phase three of the plan is for states and regions that continue to exhibit no evidence of a rebound and satisfy the gating criteria for the third time. This phase would allow vulnerable individuals to go out and interact in public again, senior care facilities and hospitals would be reopened, and “unrestricted staffing” in worksites and offices would resume.
Read more about the guidelines:
WH Reopen America guidelines by charliespiering on Scribd
Trump also promised to increase testing facilities and previewed new tests that offer results within five minutes, making it easier for hospitals and healthcare workers to take action. The president also thanked and congratulated Americans for adhering to the task force’s social distancing and sanitizing protocols, saying that the sacrifices that our citizens made during this time would be remembered, studied, and honored for generations to come.
“We are really all working together, Democrat, Republican, conservative, liberal,” the president declared.