Trump Plans On Freezing Funding to the W.H.O.
During today’s press briefing by the White House Coronavirus Task Force, President Trump announced that him and his administration is considering freezing the funding that is allocated for the WHO (World Health Organization) due its handling of the coronavirus pandemic.
According to Trump. “The W.H.O., that’s the World Health Organization, receives vast amounts of money from the United States and we pay for a majority — the biggest portion of their money.” Trump continued, “They actually criticized and disagreed with my travel ban at the time I did it, and they were wrong. They have been wrong about a lot of things. They had a lot of information early and they did not want to divert [from being] very China-centric.”
Trump followed this statement up with letting the press know that his administration is going to look into why the WHO missed the call so badly. According to Trump the United States is the majority of source for funds for the WHO. For them to miss this, look over it, or know and not say anything, is cause for an investigation.
Trump concluded that portion of the presser letting the media know that the United States will be looking into what happened with WHO “very carefully.” Plan fully intends to put a hold on the money that is allocated for the WHO. In his opinion, the fact that the WHO called every shot wrong makes the hold justifiable.
President Trump rightfully calls out the World Health Organization for getting so many things wrong. W.H.O. also better get ready for that 'stop check' notice from the U.S.
— ForAmerica (@ForAmerica) April 7, 2020