Trump To Media: Stop With The Fake News For A While
President Donald Trump criticized the media on Saturday for sowing fear among the public with false reports. He did not name a news outlet in particular but said that they are always the same ones who have been publishing fake news consistently. The president said that they could be after higher ratings, but what they are doing is not good for both the country and the world in general. He then told the reporters at the White House that they had the lowest approval ratings during the crisis, so they should take it easy on the creation of fake news. “Get this over with, and then go back to your fake news,” Trump said.
The president also blasted the media for offering a distraction during a crisis. The pandemic is causing a lot of deaths now and he had sobering words to offer to the country. The president said that horrendous days are coming up and that the United States has never faced a time like this in its history.
There are over 300,000 cases of coronavirus in the United States, and it is predicted that the number will continue to go up. The country has suffered 8,400 deaths because of the virus. New York alone has suffered 3,500 deaths, and its governor Andrew Cuomo admitted that they had not reached the peak yet when it comes to the number of cases and in the number of deaths. Long Island is presenting a worrying situation because the virus seems to be spreading there very quickly. He mentioned that he might deploy the National Guard to collect ventilators that were not being used by some hospitals and take them where they are needed.
President Trump has vowed that he and his team of expert health professionals are working to lower the number of deaths as much as they can. He compared the current situation to other tough times that the country has faced like World War Two.