Jeff Sessions: “It’s Time To Investigate China’s Cover Up”
Former attorney general of the United States, Jess Sessions, joins Fox News’ “CAVUTO Live” to discuss a variety of topics ranging from (of course) the coronavirus to the relationship between Sessions and President Trump.
Sessions kicked off the interview sharing his support for mandating precautionary measures of wearing masks and the benefits of citizens wearing them, whether healthy or infected. Sessions also noted that he “absolutely hopes” that by end of the month the United States will be able to ease back on the stay home mandates along with other precautionary measures that were put in place due to the virus. Sessions referred to the current situation as an “economic catastrophe.”
Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto briefly touched on the upcoming summer election in Alabama where Sessions is up against famed Auburn football coach Tommy Tuberville for the Repubican nomination in the state’s senator race. Cavuto asked Sessions if this virus will hurt his election chances with the inability to campaign. Sessions gave your typical politician’s answer, which was no real answer at all.
Cavuto immediately followed up with a round of questions surrounding Sessions/Trump. Cavuto mentioned how the Trump campaign advised the Sessions campaign to stop using Trump in his campaigns. He later added that Trump still blamed Sessions for the original Russia/Ukraine investigation in which Sessions, once again, gave cliche political answers.
Switching gears Session began to speak about how now is the time for the United States to investigate the wrongdoings and failures of China over the outbreak of COVID-19. Sessions continued on, that China needs to be investigated well beyond just the virus.