Early Victory For Trump? More Americans Cite the Economy As the Biggest “Selling Point” for the President
Albeit to Obama’s claims that his billion-dollar policies had managed to pull America out of recession, and was the man responsible for the “decade-long growth,” most Americans believe that Trump holds the promise of a better and economically resilient America.
In a recent poll conducted by The Hill and HarrisX, the majority of Americans were more open to voting for Trump in the 2020 elections. In fact, 62% of registered voters shared their openness to voting for Trump.
The numbers were a far cry from the 38% of registered Americans who said that they would not vote for him. Early on, the polls suggest a seemingly early and landslide victory for Trump.
The survey covered 1,001 voters between February 14 to February 15. As the Hill reported, “The state of the economy proved to be the main reason voters would re-elect Trump, at 19 percent, up 7 percentage point from when this survey was last taken. Other top reasons were the current field of Democratic Presidential candidates pushing ideas that are too liberal, at 12 percent, and his tough stance on immigration, at 9 percent.”
The Hill also shared a statement from Republican pollster B.J Martino, a partner at the Tarrance Group. Martino said, “The primary reason for that turnaround is public perception of the state of the economy. It is the single largest reason in the poll (at 19 percent), and the only reason that has shown significant growth from a year ago.”
“At the same time, observers should not sleep on the impact of views of the Democratic field.” Martino continued, “A strong economy combined with dubious field of Democrat is providing a clear opportunity for the Trump campaign. The president can now make his case to a segment of voters who only a year ago said they would never vote for him.”
The Hill also noted that based on the poll, “There were some notable changes among partisans as well. The number of Republican voters who said they would never vote for Trump in 2019 dropped 5 percentage points in 2020. The poll found the same amount of percentage drop among Democrats who said they would never vote for the President. The biggest drop, however, was among Independent voters who said they would never vote for Donald Trump, which fell from 51 percent in 2019 to 37 percent in 2020.”
Finally, the media outlet wrote that “For Independents who said they’d consider Trump in 2020, the economy and concerns regarding the 2020 Democratic field were the top two reasons, at 22 percent each.”
In his rally in Phoenix, Arizona, the president shared his pride over the success of the American economy. During the event, the president boasted that the unemployment rate had been the lowest in 51 years, and perhaps even the lowest unemployment rate during any U.S. president’s term in recorded history.
Because of the so-called “blue-collar boom,” those who belonged to minorities such as African-Americans, Hispanics, women, veterans, and disabled people were able to find better job opportunities through manufacturing and construction.