Jeffrey Epstein’s Mysterious Bank Received $12 Million in Deposits After His Death
Jeffrey Epstein opened a mysterious bank in the Virgin Islands in 2014, and it’s been inactive for years until recently. After his death, it received millions of dollars from his estate, according to the New York Times.
Epstein was approved by Virgin Islands officials for a license to run an international banking entity, a bank with offshore clients. Epstein’s approval is unusual since banking institutions subject bank operators to extensive background checks. Epstein was convicted of soliciting sex from a minor in 2008, and was required to register as a sex offender.
The Southern Country International received more than $12 million after Epstein’s death.
When Epstein died last August, the bank had a balance of $683,157, but in December his estate transferred two checks totaling $15.5 million to Southern Country. The bank returned $2.6 million, leaving the balance at $12.9 million, but a few weeks later, most of the money vanished leaving a balance of $499,759.
During a court hearing in the Virgin Islands Tuesday, Judge Carolyn Hermon-Purcell questioned Epstein’s lawyers about the massive transfers to the bank. Epstein’s estate lawyer claimed it was an error, but it did not satisfy the judge.
The judge requested full accounting of the transfers and is waiting for the information.