Justice Gorsuch Appears on Fox & Friends Causing the Left to Lose Their Minds
Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch was a guest on the Fox News morning show Fox & Friends on Tuesday, which does not seem like that big a deal. However, this interview with the second newest Supreme Court judge caused a massive uproar on social media.
The left wingers went nuts on twitter and elsewhere, freaking out about Gorsuch having the gall to go on TV and discuss politics and his new book, “A Republic, If We Can Keep It”. Among the complaints from the vocal liberals on twitter were that he wrote a book, that he was trying to sell his book, that was on Fox News and Fox & Friends specifically, and that he was spewing “Trump propaganda”.
The most hilarious attack though came from a left wing shill who said the fact that Gorsuch started the interview by wishing the host a “Merry Christmas” was parroting a “talking point of the GOP.” Here is a sampling of the liberal freak out:
Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch just appeared on Fox and Friends this morning, making a point to parrot the "Merry Christmas" talking point of the GOP. If he's willing to go on Fox and throw a shout out to Republican narratives, what ele is he willing to do? pic.twitter.com/doJ5BUEFQg
— Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) December 17, 2019
Justice Neil Gorsuch is on "Fox & Friends" right now. The Q: How is it appropriate for a Supreme Court justice to try to goose sales of his three-month-old book by chatting on one of the most partisan shows on TV?
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) December 17, 2019
Wow, Neil Gorsuch is an idiot.
— AKA Donald J. Trump (@AKADonaldTrump) December 17, 2019
So Neil Gorsuch, who you'll remember stole Merrick Garland's SCOTUS seat, was on Fox and Friends this morning and is giving a speech at Trump International Hotel in DC. This is most assuredly not normal stuff. https://t.co/UP7hF7cft2
— Concerned Citizen (@politicsbos) December 17, 2019
I'm old enough to remember when Supreme Court justices made an attempt at propriety and impartiality and wouldn't be caught dead promoting a book or ideology on a Russian propaganda channel.
— Shelby Kent-Stewart ™ (@ShelbyKStewart) December 17, 2019
You remember those days, Neil Gorsuch?