Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Backs Free Speech, Shuts Down Kamala Harris, Triggers Liberals
Last week faltering Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris (D-CA) called on Twitter to ban the President of the United States Twitter account. She used this ridiculous, attention-grabbing call to try and gain momentum for her failing campaign. She even tried to get Democratic front-runner Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) to join her. Warren, not taking the bait, completely shut down and embarrassed Harris.
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) October 16, 2019
Elizabeth Warren just embarrassed Kamala Harris by refusing to entertain her crazy idea of calling for the President of the United States to be Banned from Twitter.
Now, social media mogul Mark Zuckerberg is joining the masses calling out Harris for her ridiculous argument. In a speech at Georgetown University, the Facebook inventor said that he and his company stand for “voice” and “free expression”. This is in direct contrast with liberals who want to censor and silence conservatives on social media.
Mark Zuckerberg Stands for Voice and Free Expression https://t.co/zuGJm0ipgz
— Facebook Newsroom (@fbnewsroom) October 17, 2019
The left wing predictably did not deal with this well. The hashtag #DeleteFacebook started trending because so many liberals were outraged that Zuckerberg would meet with conservatives to get their views on social media issues as well.
Mark Zuckerberg is corrupt to the core and Facebook systemically silences people of color who call out racism.
— saira rao (@sairasameerarao) October 14, 2019
I took down my account a week ago and feel physically and emotionally better. #DeleteFacebook
Wow #DeleteFacebook is trending because Mark Zuckerberg met with conservatives to understand the perspective of like 50% of the US population.
— Elizabeth Heng (@ElizabethHeng) October 14, 2019
So scary 👻
Just shows how intolerant the far left have become. Disagree with them and they’ll try to shut you down.
One surprising person who celebrated Facebook’s balanced approach to getting feedback was moderate Democratic candidate, tech entrepreneur Andrew Yang who said he is in favor of anyone who gets feedback from a cross-section of Americans.
Mark Zuckerberg - or anyone - meeting with Americans of different political ideologies and backgrounds is a good thing.
— Andrew Yang🧢 (@AndrewYang) October 15, 2019
This level-headed approach did nothing to stop liberal meltdowns on twitter, including from other Democratic candidates such as Elizabeth Warren, celebrities like Sacha Baron Cohen, and run-of-the-mill “snowflake” liberals.
Here's the thing, Mark. Trump isn't just posting a lie on his own page for his own followers. Facebook is accepting millions of dollars from Trump to run political ads, including ones with misinformation and outright lies. Ads that TV stations won't even run.
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) October 18, 2019
Just heard #MarkZuckerberg’s disingenuous speech. He is not the government, but the owner of a private business and not subject to the 1st Amendment!
— Sacha Baron Cohen (@SachaBaronCohen) October 17, 2019
We all sort of knew, but it has now come into focus:
— Tristarae (@Trist_Chi) October 18, 2019
Mark Zuckerberg is alt right af.
Dear Mark Zuckerberg, By not vetting political ads you ARE CHOOSING to be a part of the corruption.
— Paula C. Henderson (@pchenderson_LV) October 18, 2019