Mayor Bill de Blasio Opens Housing Lottery To Illegal Immigrants
On Wednesday, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio set new guidelines in the city’s affordable housing lottery that will permit 725,000 illegal alien residents to apply for subsidized housing. The new rules will no longer require applicants to show their Social Security number, or credit check, and other documentation that proves them to be taxpayers. The applicants will have to show proof that they have paid rent on time for a year instead.
De Blasio hopes the new rules will increase the number of affordable housing units to 300,000 by the year 2026.
The odds of being selected in 2018 for the affordable housing lottery was 1 in 600, but the odds will increase substanially with the new guidelines set to favor New York’s growing population of undocumented immigrants.
“For too long, families without access to credit have faced barriers to the affordable housing they need,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “By allowing New Yorkers to submit rental history instead of credit checks, we are creating a fairer system for all New Yorkers.”
Commissioner of Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs in NYC Bitta Mostofi stated, “These new changes are a step towards promoting greater racial equity in our housing market and greater access to affordable housing, regardless of immigration status.”
Councilman Eric Ulrich argued, “It’s just the latest idiotic idea to come out of this administration. The mayor is setting up people to fail and is doing a disservice to New Yorkers who desperately need affordable housing.”
Ana Nunez of Churches United For Fair Housing favors the new plan. “It completely opens the floodgates,” Nunez told New York One. Illegal immigrants often confess to Nunez that “they don’t have Social Security numbers or a TIN. They may fear that if they apply especially with this administration they might face some repercussion so that is now a huge barrier that has been eliminated.” Nunez added, “So now this is a truly, truly a sanctuary city.”