CNN’s Don Lemon Fails To Get Negative Criticism of Trump From Black Pastor So CNN Changes Their Chyron
CNN’s Don Lemon is getting criticism for his latest interview with Reverend Bill Owens, who was one of 20 black pastors who met with the president on Monday to discuss issues facing black communities.
Lemon asked Rev. Owens, “What did the president say about his attacks against these leaders of color and did any of the faith leaders raise concerns about that?”
Rev. Owens replied, “The meeting was how can we help the black community. That was my concern. That was the purpose of the meeting. That is the reason why I came to Washington and that is my focus, helping our inner city young people especially, our children, our young people.”
Lemon did his best to try to get Rev. Owens to speak negatively of President Trump, but failed miserably.
"President Trump does not attack people because of color. He attacks anybody he feels need it." - Rev. Bill Owens says Trump's meeting with African American pastors was not an attempt to insulate himself from his recent attacks on Rep. Cummings and his Baltimore district.
— CNN Tonight (@CNNTonight) July 30, 2019
Lemon told Rev. Owens, “I know it’s hard for you. You think it’s hard to believe that Trump is racist. But he’s repeatedly used racially charged language. He consistently attacks black and brown elected leaders. So, why is that hard to believe, Pastor?”
Owens replied, “I find President Trump [attacks] leaders of all colors. He attacks who he will. He’s his own man. I can’t dictate what he should or should not do. But he does not just attack black people. He attacks anybody. And you know it.”
When Lemon couldn’t get the negative feedback he wanted, CNN quickly changed their chyron from “faith leader” to “controversial pastor.”
Absolute insanity. Here it is for those not wanting to search through the video: 20 seconds apart.
— John Newell (@NewellyJohn) August 2, 2019