Rachel Maddow is now saying that those who contest the election should go to jail, even if they are doing so in a legal manner. The guest on her show last Monday, a fellow from the NAACP, also believed in silencing those who question the recently concluded presidential election.

Maddow was talking about how the President and the Republicans who support him refuse to just take the fraudulent results of the elections without giving a fight. Maddow started by saying, “I think a lot of people are also worried about what you were describing there, about these tactics, both by the president and by his campaign and by Republicans who support him; that after an election, elections officials are now subject to lobbying, subject to pressure, subject to enticement or threats in a way that should get them to do whatever their party or the party in power or anybody else who has an effect in terms of influencing them, can get them to do.”

She then added. “I want to go back to that not being a norm in our democracy. I’m worried that now that the Trump administration has set this precedent, it will be.”

“And it feels like the only way to stop that becoming the new normal, at least in Republican politics, is for some people to go to jail for it or to feel like they are going to get in trouble if they get caught doing something like that,” Maddow continued.

The steps that the President and his supporters are taking are all legal. Contesting the elections, demanding a recount, and filing lawsuits, all of those are steps that are under the law. For them to demand that people go to jail for those actions would be a call for tyranny.

Maddow and the media went silent when the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign and took other illegal actions. Now that a President that they are opposed to is doing something within the laws, they are demanding that he be silenced.

The mainstream media has declared Joe Biden to be the victor of the elections, and they are now asking for the American people to move on and just unite under him. This comes after undermining President Trump’s administration and calling everyone who disagrees with them all kinds of horrible names. They’re now demanding jail-time for those who refuse to submit to their demands.