CNN is in hot water once again after one of its hosts, Christiane Amanpour made an anti-Semitic statement by belittling the Holocaust. She has likened the Trump administration to the Kristallnacht, which was an anti-Semitic pogrom that was carried by the Nazi regime in Germany before World War Two. Her comments drew immediate backlash from Jews all over the world.

During a segment on Thursday, Amanpour compared the Trump presidency to what the Nazis did during the Kristallnacht. She said that Trump attacked the very same values that Nazis targeted during their time. Morton Klein, the head of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), expressed outrage over the comparison.

“This mindless analogy is even more cruel and ridiculous given that he has an Orthodox Jewish daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren,” Klein said. “Would the Nazis have protected the Jewish State, as Trump has, by putting the most severe sanctions on the true enemy of the Jews today — Iran — who is developing nukes and repeatedly threatens to destroy the Jewish State?” Klein asked.

“Did Amanpour ever compare the Obama regime to the Nazis given that he gave $150 billion to the antisemitic Iran regime, giving it greater ammunition to succeed in its Nazi-like plans of annihilating the Jewish State?” he added.

Kristallnacht, which is translated to Crystal Night is also known as the Night of Broken Glass was a pogrom carried out against German Jews by Nazi paramilitary forces on 9–10 November 1938. The German authorities did nothing to stop the attacks against the Jews and in many cases even encouraged it. The name comes from the broken glass on the streets after Jewish businesses were attacked.

The Kristallnacht was one of the major escalations of the Nazi regime’s policy towards the Jews which would culminate in the Holocaust. To compare it with the Trump administration is heavily uninformed. Amanpour is just one of the many anti-Semitic media personalities who also happen to hate the President. She is willing to say anything, even if it is inaccurate just to attack the President.