John Kerry Claims Credit For Middle East Peace Deals
Former Secretary of State for the Obama administration John Kerry is trying to claim the credit for the historic peace deals in the Middle East, which were brokered by the Trump administration. He is trying to take credit for the deals even though he has come out in the past to say that those same deals are impossible to achieve.
“This has been in the making for a number of years now. I talked many times about reducing the sort of crazy hangover of lack of socialization between these countries,” Kerry said in an interview for Rolling Stone in an attempt to take credit for all of the skillful diplomacies that the President and his officials have achieved.
While trying to take credit for the deals, Kerry is also trying to minimize its importance. “It’s not peace in the Middle East. Nobody should pretend that,” Kerry added. “It has nothing to do with the Palestinians,” Kerry said, exaggerating the importance of the Palestinians to the other Arab states.
Kerry was humiliated last September after a video of him went viral. He insisted that a Middle Eastern peace deal would be impossible without resolving the Palestinian problem first. A speech that Kerry gave in 2016 includes the claim that “I’ve heard several prominent politicians in Israel sometimes saying, well, the Arab world is in a different place now, we just have to reach out to them, and we can work some things with the Arab world, and we’ll deal with the Palestinians. No, no, no, and no.”
He insisted that there would be no peace deal with the Arabs, with the Palestinian question being settled first. “Everybody needs to understand that,” Kerry confidently said. “That is a hard reality.”
Israel has already signed historic agreements with important Arab states like Bahrain and the UAE. The deal normalized relations between the countries and could pave the way for lasting peace. That shattered the whole foreign policy of the Democrats. It discredits Kerry and Obama, who has not done anything to make the Middle East a peaceful region. In fact, Obama has done the exact opposite, as his policies have led to the rise of ISIS.