Democrats: “Illegal Immigrants Deserve Health Insurance”
The Democrats are now saying that illegal immigrants deserve to get health insurance. During their convention on August 19, they ordered Americans to welcome illegal immigrants into the country and that includes providing them with free health insurance. They featured a mother who entered the United States illegally, bringing with her a sick daughter. American doctors were able to save the girl but not cure the condition which confines her to a wheelchair.
The daughter spoke to the DNC audience. “I don’t have the right ID, so I can’t get health insurance through the [Obamacare] exchange. I need health insurance. I deserve it, right?” The Democrats now are for welcoming all sick foreigners to come in and get treatment within the United States for free. At the same time, they are also demanding that ordinary Americans be welcoming to these illegal migrants who will be coming to get healthcare benefits for free. Not doing so would mean that one is racist and a bigoted.
Welcoming all sick foreigners into the country is a far cry from the promise that the Democrats first made which is that they would be giving healthcare to the 11 million resident illegal aliens who are already here. Many of those illegal aliens are here competing with Americans offering lower wages.
The video is inviting people living outside of the United States, particularly those from Mexico and Central America. This kind of policy can be dangerous to implement. It’s basically telling people around the world that they can come in and take advantage of the country’s healthcare system. That can overburden the system which means that taxpaying Americans may be denied the benefits for which they are entitled.
This also means that the Democrats will be much more lenient when it comes to allowing illegal aliens into the country. The country can be flooded not just with foreigners who are willing to work for very low wages but with violent criminals as well, as the members of the MS-13 gang, which President Trump has warned the country about. The Democrats are willing to pander to illegal aliens because they are pushing for them to be able to vote as well. This is why they are very much against the use of voter identification. They want illegal immigrants to have a say in American elections, which they hope will be in their favor.