African American History Museum Says Hard Work And Science Are Racist
The National Museum of African American History and Culture, which is a part of the Smithsonian Institution, published on their website a page about “ whiteness” in America. On the page, it defines whiteness to include hard work, science, individualism. The web page on the museum’s site, which included those controversial assumptions, is relatively new. According to researchers, it has been available for just over a month and tries to shed light on systemic racism in the United States.
Other aspects of whiteness that are included on the site are the nuclear family, being competitive, and the scientific method. It asserts that those qualities are the ones that are used to measure other races in the United States. The site also states that “Being white does not mean you haven’t experienced hardships or oppression. Being white does mean you have not faced hardships or oppression based on the color of your skin. We need to be honest about the ways white people have benefited from racism so we can work toward an equitable, fair, and just society.”
The site also has a video of Dr. Robin DiAngelo bestselling White Fragility, which advices against the use of the word sketchy to describe bad neighborhoods, because that’s just a concept in the minds of white people. The site also tells visitors that if they are white that they should accept their whiteness and the reality of white privilege. It goes on to say that,“ Facing your whiteness is hard and can result in feelings of guilt, sadness, confusion, defensiveness, or fear.” In other words, it is painting white people in the worst way possible.
The racist content on the site is very odd, especially since the museum is funded in part by the government. It gets $33 million in funding from the government while the rest of its budget is shouldered by donors. It is part of the general push to demonize white people, and they are using the general apathy and fear of being called racists to push for their agenda. Their content is just too far-left that they have gone down to the level of denigrating African Americans. The claim that hard work and belief in science are all part of white culture would mean that those are alien concepts to African Americans, which is the worst way to denigrate a race.