Seattle City Council Supports Call To Cut Police Funding By 50%
The majority of the Seattle City Council has vowed to support a proposal that would see the funding for their police department reduced by as much as 50%. The proposal also includes an initiative to take away the 911 dispatchers from the control of the police department as well as an initiative to “imagine life beyond policing.”
The City Council members vowed to use the money they would take away from the police and use it to fund the community. That probably means using the money as dole-outs to the homeless and those who refuse to work. It is reported that seven of the nine council members are on board with the proposal. Only six votes are needed for the resolution to pass and for it to be veto-proof. That means it’s almost sure to pass now.
The groups behind the proposal also want to see more investment in affordable housing and to develop community-based solutions to public safety. While all their plans look good on paper, the proposals are likely to fail in real life. The cutting of the police department budget by half is sure to result in problems with criminality in the city. As it is, police are having a hard time responding to all of the crimes being reported in the city. Taking away half of their budget will only make things worse for them. But the ones who will truly suffer because of these proposals are the ordinary citizens of Seattle who will have to put up with the increased criminality and the longer response time to emergencies.
The news that the city will be reducing its police funding is going to be a call to criminals everywhere to go to the city and make it their new home. The creation of some community-based solution for public-safety is just some well-intentioned dream that’s bound to fail when it confronts the reality of the criminals in the streets of the city running wild.
The right solution would have been to increase the budget of the police and to provide more training so that police abuses will be eliminated. But it seems that Seattle is ready to surrender to leftist ideologies who are ready to turn the city into an experiment as to what will happen when the police power is reduced.