Sanders: Joe Biden Might Just Be The Most “Progressive” President Yet
In an interview for MSNBC, a two-time failed Democratic candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders claimed that if presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden would implement the plan that he had helped create, the nominee would be “the most progressive president since FDR.”
On Wednesday, Sanders claimed that he was “glad” to work with Biden in creating six separate task forces as a part of his presidential platform. He went on to say that their platforms were backed by research, “Which had some of the most knowledgeable people in the country coming together to deal with education and climate change and health care and the economy,” Sanders said. The Vermont Senator also claimed that they have received expert opinion on other issues such as criminal justice and immigration reform.
Sanders believed that the people who would be specifically impacted by their platforms have a “different perspective” as compared to Biden’s moderate left. The Senator said, “I think the compromise that they came up with if implemented, will make Biden the most progressive president since FDR.” While Sanders claimed that the political platform did not include some of the things that he really wanted, the Senator believed that it will surely address the major issues that have plagued America.
The failed Democratic candidate promises that if Biden can successfully implement the platform, he could improve lives for the “millions of working people” as well as address issues with climate change and criminal justice.
During their campaign, Sanders has constantly touted his socialist policies, while Biden had stuck on the moderate side. However, with the increasing political tension and nationwide protest from left-wing demonstrators, Biden had to make a compromise. To unite the Democrats, the two made a joint effort that resulted in a 110-page policy wish list.
The platform came from weeks of negotiation between six to eight people that were a part of the “Unity Task Forces” which was chosen by Biden and Sanders.
This comes as no surprise since Biden has constantly brought up former U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s progressive approach. Most of the recommendations were largely based on Biden’s moderate approach and dropped Sanders’ socialist policies during his campaigns such as the “Medicare for All,” “Green New Deal,” “abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement,” (ICE) and “defund the police.”
Nonetheless, Biden was able to adopt some of Senator’s progressive policies such as a “net-zero carbon emission” by 2050, a plan which was first introduced by a task force that was co-chaired by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York. They have also included universal prekindergarten in America, as well as eliminating cash bail. According to CNN, Sanders recognized their political differences. However, the two were ready to defeat their common enemy, President Donald Trump. “It’s no great secret out there, Joe, that you and I have our differences.”
However, Trump warned that Biden might lack the political willpower to stand up and make his own decisions. In an interview, the President believed that the Democratic nominee was “not making his own decisions” but having to constantly give in to the demands from the far-left supporters.