Media Blames Trump Tulsa Rally For Coronavirus Surge
The mainstream media is blaming Trump’s Tulsa rally as the sole reason for the surges in cases in the area even though there are other large public events that happened there. They are also claiming that health officials are also blaming the President’s event even if the health officials did not say anything to that effect. The Associated Press had a story which claims that the rally is the likely cause of the surge in infections through its headline, but when one reads the story itself, one can find that Tulsa City-County Health Department Director Dr. Bruce Dart said that there were several large events in the city. He never singled out the Trump rally.
“In the past few days, we’ve seen almost 500 new cases, and we had several large events just over two weeks ago, so I guess we just connect the dots,” said Dart. There were Black Lives Matter protests outside of the rally where people were definitely not social distancing. There is a good chance that some infections happened there.
Also, there was a large rally in Tulsa which was headed by Al Sharpton, which unsurprisingly was not mentioned at all by the article. The mainstream media has been trying to pin the blame for the rise in infections on Trump and conservatives. They have been running reports on how the protests against the lockdowns which were mostly done by conservatives were leading to more infections. At the same time, they have been praising the riotings and the lootings done by Antifa and the Black Lives Matter movement. There are even some articles claiming that the BLM protests have caused fewer infections because fewer people got out. It just shows how low the mainstream media will go to cover for the left and their allies and how far they will go to demonize the conservatives or anyone who does not agree with their narrative.