NYC Governor Cuomo Accuses Trump of Being In “Denial” Over Admin “Failure” To Stop COVID-19
On Sunday, Democrat and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo lashed out against President Donald Trump, claiming that they are in “denial” over the administration’s collective failure to stop the deadly coronavirus outbreak.
During his media appearance for NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Cuomo lashed out against the administration over the increasing cases of COVID-19 infection among other states such as Texas and Florida. The NYC Governor claimed that Americans should not worry about the second coronavirus outbreak since the country is still dealing with the first wave. “This is a continuation of the first wave, and it was a failed effort to stop the first wave in the country,” Cuomo added.
The Governor went on to accuse Trump of hiding the real extent of the outbreak. Cuomo cited that based on the White House briefing three months ago, the administration was “basically in denial about the problem. They don’t want to tell the American people the truth.” He believed that states should close down until more testing becomes available, and the country could finally see a decline in terms of COVID-19 infections and death rates.
According to the Democrat, they have fact-based research to back up his claims. He cited that they have “tested” theories and that the results were “irrefutable.” He also went on to call out Trump to take a step back and recognized the “undeniable reality of the situation.” Finally, he concluded that “This is a virus. It doesn’t respond to politics. You can’t tweet at it. You have to treat it. And we never did that.”
The Democrat’s grave accusations came in the wake of allegations that Cuomo had sent thousands of COVID-19 positive patients to nursing homes, a decision which had put the most vulnerable sector of the population at risk.
According to an explosive report from The Guardian, Cuomo’s loyalty to nursing hospitals goes back to 2018 when he was still running for New York’s Democratic primary. During his campaign run, the Governor received a much needed political boost from a healthcare industry group Greater New York Hospital Association (GNYHA) after they poured in $1 million to his campaign committee.
Two years later, he quietly signed legislation which will protect hospitals and nursing homes from any threats of lawsuits from the COVID-19 outbreak. Sneakily, Cuomo placed the specific provision on the annual budget bill, which provides the “most explicit” immunity for top healthcare officials.
This decision was lethal. In fact, data from the Associated Press revealed that as much as 4,300 COVID-10 positive patients were sent to nursing homes, as a way to cut corners. This resulted in as much as 5,800 nursing home deaths in New York facilities. So while Cuomo blamed Trump for denying the outbreak, the Governor might simply be shifting the blame over the thousands of deaths that had resulted from his own provision.