In what can only be classified as a strange move for a publication that is aimed at teenage girls, Teen Vogue tweeted “Welcome to Marx!” to promote a 2018 article which praised the 19th Century philosopher who can be credited with the death of hundreds of millions of people who were slaughtered in pursuit of the philosophy that he unleashed on the world. They added that the ideas of Marx are more prevalent today than most people may realize.

“You may have come across communist memes on social media. The man, the meme, the legend behind this trend, is Karl Marx, who developed the theory of communism, which advocates for workers’ control over their labor (instead of their bosses).” That was how the article started out. However, the article did not mention how Marx’s philosophy, when put into practice, never resulted in the worker’s paradise, which he had envisioned. Instead, it always turned into a paradise for the few amoral people who are willing to do anything to stay in power.

The article sang praises for Marx, who wrote about the working class and came up with theories regarding the value of labor. However, his ideas have little value when applied in the real world. Marx was a freeloader who never really worked in his lifetime. He never really understood the lives and the hardships of the working class. His philosophy also gave rise to some of history’s most brutal dictators like Stalin and Mao Zedong, who killed millions of people just to stay in power.

Teen Vogue’s article and tweet just show how there is an ongoing drive to indoctrinate young people to have a radical left-leaning view. One of the people interviewed for the article was former Drexel University professor George Ciccariello-Maher, who is a communist and a racist. In 2016 he said that all he wants for Christmas is “white genocide.”

The magazine also interviewed a high school teacher who said he role plays with his students to demonstrate the power of the working class and indoctrinate them against capitalism. These communists/activists who disguise themselves as teachers are the reason why there are so many protesters now calling for the abolishment of the same system, which has made their lives so easy.