Rioters Required To Do Cult-Like Chanting
In a disturbing scene, a group of protesters in New York City were asked to kneel in the middle of the street and to repeat chants that were being made by a protest leader using a megaphone. The practice is highly reminiscent of cults that use chanting and repetitive messages to brainwash their followers.
The man with the megaphone led the group in chanting phrases like, “I am on stolen land!” “Built by stolen people!” and “Revolution is the only solution! I am a revolutionary!” The people in the group he was leading were also holding up signs that said, “Defund the Police.” The leader of the chanting also mentioned the Black Hammer organization, an openly communist and racist organization that believes that “the Colonized Proletariat should have dictatorship over our lives, labor, land, and resources.”
The cult-like practice just shows how many of those who are doing the protesting right now are just clueless about the true aims of the organizations that are funding and fueling the riots. Many are joining the demonstrations without any idea of what they are getting into.
Antifa and other fringe far-left organizations are the driving force behind the lootings and the riots that are happening all over the country. They are using the death of George Floyd to push for their agenda and they are fueling the divisiveness in American society. They are willing to let American cities burn and ordinary citizens to suffer just so they can push their political aims. Unfortunately, there are a lot of clueless people who are willing to support them, just like the kneeling people in the video.
The protests in Manhattan have shut down many of the streets in the area. This has resulted in the disruption of many lives but the mainstream media is willing to give free pass to the protesters. The peaceful protesters who fought against the lockdowns before were condemned mainly because they are not leftwing.