WATCH: Andrew Cuomo To Trump: Here In New York We Actually Read The Bible
It seems like Democrats just can’t stop throwing shade at the President and actually enjoys mocking his every move. After House Speaker and staunch left-wing supporter, Nancy Pelosi responded to Trump’s holding the Bible in front of St. John’s Episcopal Church on Tuesday, another one of their kind followed suit and read verses from the Holy Bible in an attempt to belittle and mock President Donald Trump.
On Wednesday, controversial New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo read the Bible at the opening of his press conference. He didn’t fail to mention Trump’s brave “church walk” along Lafayette Park and to St. John’s, and said, “The President held up the Bible the other day in Washington DC,” he said as he held up a Bible too. “Here in New York we actually read the Bible, and there are some passages that I think are especially appropriate today.”
Cuomo read several passages from the Bible and read from the slides instead of the Bible itself.
“True away from evil and do good. Search for peace and work to maintain it,” he read from the book of Psalms.
“The seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace,” from the letter of James. “If a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand,” he noted from the Gospel of Mark.
After reading several passages and saying that those are the appropriate words for the day, Cuomo finally proceeded with his press conference. He also mentioned that Wednesday marked the 95th day of the US dealing with the coronavirus and the 10th day of dealing with protesters after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.