AOC Shares Safety Guidelines For Rioters
Socialist Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shared a guide through her Instagram account for the rioters who are burning different cities across America right now. The infographic is supposed to help the Antifa activists and looters to stay safe while they are outside and wreaking havoc on American cities. The unrest came in the disguise of outrage over the killing of George Floyd by a police officer in Minnesota.
The incident was caught on video and it was clear that the officers were in the wrong. The police, later on, claimed that George resisted arrest so they had to use force, but videos contradicted the claim. What is clear is that the action of the police officers is hard to defend.
However, the protests have little to do with asking for the justice of Floyd. Many of the protests have turned into riots. In some cases, the protesters have turned to vandalize buildings and looting businesses. Many have pointed out that such actions have little to do with seeking justice, but leftists have complained that anyone going against the protests are against social justice and are just racists.
The guide, which she unironically entitled PROTESTING SAFELY, includes recommendations on how protesters can stay safe from the coronavirus while they go about burning and looting. She also claims that white supremacists are infiltrating the protests to cause problems. A completely unsubstantiated claim since the rioters are causing the destruction on their own.
“1. LOOK OUT FOR THINGS THAT DON’T SEEM RIGHT. There are increasing reports and investigations that white supremacists may be infiltrating these protests, breaking windows and destroying property. If anything seems off to you, DOCUMENT IT. Always check who is organizing.”
AOC also accused those who are calling for the end of the unrest without demanding change as hypocrites. “So if you want the end of unrest, then you should be asking for measures that actually liberate people in their lives from the oppression of economic and social inequity.” She basically says that anyone who does not agree with their point of view is racists who do not care about people of color.