MSNBC's Wallace Says Obamagate is the “Political Version of the Tooth Fairy”
On Thursday, during left-wing media MSNBC’s “Deadline,” host Nicolle Wallace dismissed President Trump’s claims about the Obamagate scandal and called them the political counterpart of the tooth fairy.
“I don’t mean to be sarcastic here. But does Donald Trump really think that in any corner of the country that he needs to swing his way again that Obama is less popular or viewed as less competent or anyone thinks that this would have gone down worse on Obama’s watch than his?” Wallace said.
New York Times reporter Peter Baker responded, saying that the Obamagate’s message is aimed at the “core supporters” that President Trump wants to keep on his side. He also claimed that the President could not get 271 electoral votes unless he reached out to the said “core supporters.” Baker continued his response and claimed that the President is trying to give people something to focus on other than how he has handled the coronavirus pandemic. The NYT reporter further claimed that a lot of Trump’s supporters don’t trust the information he is giving and has not been happy about how things were handled. Baker accused the President of trying to reproduce the “inside strength he had three and a half years ago,” which would be hard for a president who’s never been over 50% in the approval ratings in Gallup and other polls.
Wallace then turned to former Obama White House Adviser Ron Klain and said, “I hear ‘Obamagate’ and I hear, ‘I’m bleeped with my base,’ because there is no ‘Obamagate.’ It’s the political version of the Tooth Fairy. It’s fantasies and fairy tales, and it means nothing. It’s like invoking Santa or something totally made up.” She continued, saying that when she hears Trump use “Obamagate” it screams of “real political peril” for her, claiming that if Trump was in a safer political standing, he wouldn’t be “sucking up” to the core supporters.
Klain agreed with Wallace’s claims, saying that it was “spot on.” He said, “We’re in mid-May of an election year and if the president is so panicked about his base that he’s making up scandals about his predecessor, that tells you that he’s in trouble because this is the time of the year when incumbent presidents are trying to round up support.” He also added that the Trump administration treats the COVID-19 pandemic as something they can deny the existence of or attack someone for it. “He can blame a long list of people for this. He can try to beat the CDC to lower the death count, but he can’t change the fact that he now has created a giant health mess and a giant economic mess,” Klain claimed.
Wallace concluded their discussion by calling out President Trump and asking him to knock himself out with the fantasies because it will be all about him.