Pelosi’s Coronavirus Plan Mandates Release of Convicted Criminals, Illegal Aliens
As House Speaker Nancy Pelosi proudly unveiled her $3 trillion coronavirus wishlist, the House Speaker also included a strict mandate for the immediate release of convicts, federal inmates, and even illegal aliens due to increasing concerns of coronavirus infection among prison facilities.
Pelosi cited that inmates should be released, as long as they classify as “non-violent” offenders, or as the courts and judicial officers classified as not a threat to the community and public safety. The problem with such orders is that, oftentimes, violent criminals often plead to shorten their sentences. In fact, 2018 federal data showed that an astounding 97% of federal convicts often took plea deals rather than going against more serious criminal charges.
According to Pelosi’s legislation, the ongoing coronavirus pandemic should serve as an excuse for “non-violent’’ offenders to be released back into the community, including older prisoners, those with certain medical conditions, pregnant women, and juveniles. Pelosi explained that the modified probation and supervised release would decrease the unnecessary in-person contact among federal officers.
Another section of Pelosi’s “wish list” mandates the DHS to review immigration files, for those who are currently in the custody of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The bill notes that those who do not need continued detentions should be “prioritized for release” unless the illegal alien imposes a threat to public safety and national security.
Moreover, Pelosi had also allocated $600 million in funding to help states and local prisons to address the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, which includes $500 million for states to provide their correctional facilities with testing, and treatment for the COVID-19. The allocation will be divided into two grant programs, the release of “non-violent offenders” and another to reduce inmates’ exposure to the virus.
The bill also provided a whopping $75 million to encourage states to develop facilities and adopt practices that would help “juvenile safety and rehabilitation,” as well as $25 million for prison facilities to implement coronavirus testing for inmates who are in custody.
Pelosi’s bill might just serve as the green light that prison inmates have all been waiting for. In fact, on May 12, The Patriot Hill reported that a group of inmates at the Pitchess Detention Center in Los Angeles County, California, had passed around water bottles and drank from the same styrofoam cup, in hopes of getting the COVID-19 virus, and being released.
The county’s Sheriff Alex Villanueva revealed the sickening surveillance footage, stating that it “is problematic because somehow there was a mistake in belief among the inmate population that if they tested positive that there was a way to force our hand and release more inmates out of our jail environment.”
Pelosi’s bill, which is entitled “The Heroes Act,” contained a 1,815-page and a whopping $3 trillion worth of Dem “wishlist.” Most of the appropriations for the bill had nothing to do with the ongoing economic and health crisis, which included millions of dollar worth of funding for Howard University, Gallaudet University, National Technical Institute for the Deaf, National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), National Endowment for the Humanities, as well as emergency support services for migrant and seasonal farmworkers.