Sanders Calls On Media To Investigate Reade Accusations Against Creepy Joe
Two-time presidential candidate failure Bernie Sanders called on the media to do a thorough investigation of the accusations that have been made by Tara Reade against the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. He made this call during an interview on MSNBC.
“We’re in a situation where we understand that, for decades, women were not able to come forward. They were penalized, punished when they came forward to make their case, and this woman has every right in the world to make her case. The media must do a thorough investigation,” Sanders said.
The senator from Vermont added that “Joe is going to stay in the race. There will be an investigation that goes on, and we will see where that leads.” Just by calling out for an investigation on the accusations against Biden, Sanders is making a different stance from what his fellow Democrats have been making.
Biden’s accuser Tara Reade is a life-long Democrat. She claims that she supported Barack Obama, but after the reaction from the top politicians in the party and their continued support of Biden’s candidacy, she has decided that it was best for her to leave the party. For example, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who claims to be a progressive fighting against the establishment, has said that the allegations against the former vice president aren’t clear-cut. But the most despicable of all the Democrat women who are choosing to side with Biden in the issue is Senator Dianne Feinstein. It will be remembered that Feinstein automatically believed Christine Blasey Ford when she was accusing Supreme Court justice, Brett Kavanaugh, even if her story was not corroborated by anyone else, and there were inconsistencies in her narrative. Reade’s accusations are much more credible since there is evidence that she actually tried to do something when the incident supposedly took place. “She came out of nowhere. Where has she been all these years?” Feinstein said of Reade.
At the very least, Reade’s accusation deserves a thorough investigation, not just by the media as Sanders called for but by the authorities.