Andrew Cuomo Wants De Niro To Play Him In Coronavirus Movie
New York state governor Andrew Cuomo was ecstatic with the idea that fellow lefty and actor Robert De Niro will be playing him in a Coronavirus movie. Stephen Colbert asked Cuomo on the Late Show, “In the movie of this, when it’s finally made, who do you want to have play you?” Colbert was referring to the pandemic that is still doing harm to the United States, causing death daily.
Cuomo had an answer right away like he has been considering the question for a long time. He said that he would like De Niro to play him in a movie and that he has been a fan for a long time. He added that De Niro can do anything and can even play comedy, which is what a movie about his public service would be about.
Although both Cuomo and De Niro are of Italian heritage the actor is 14 years older than the politician. Cuomo even threatened that he would do a De Niro impression in his next press conference, saying that he would answer “You talkin’ to me?” when a reporter asks him a question.
The has-been actor made an earlier appearance on the Late Show when he claimed that he would be happy to play the role of the governor on any movie about the coronavirus. He praised Cuomo by saying that he is actually doing what the president should be doing during this crisis.
De Niro is actually correct in saying that Cuomo’s role will have to be portrayed in a movie that aims to accurately depict the pandemic. Cuomo’s handling of the pandemic has seen his state become the epicenter of the spread of the virus not just in the United States but in the whole world. He has been criticized for his slow response to the spread of the disease in his state. Perhaps his most despicable action was his directive that was issued in March which told nursing homes to accept patients with coronavirus from hospitals while knowing that seniors are the most prone to the disease. The directive arguably resulted in thousands of deaths.
For Cuomo to consider who will be playing him in a movie about the coronavirus as if he was a hero that saved lives, is a very insensitive act; considering that the virus is still spreading in the country, even in his own state.