Hanoi Jane Demands Coronavirus Fund Be Used To Fight Climate Change
Leftist actress and activist Jane Fonda called for using the coronavirus fund to help fight climate change instead. The aging actress insisted that no money should be used in bailing out companies that employ millions of Americans but the money should be diverted to fund the efforts to combat climate change.
Fonda made the demand during “Fire Drill Friday,” which is a rally that is now being held online. “These historic sums of stimulus money aren’t going to happen again, maybe even during our lifetimes. And where they go and how they are spent will determine so much about what kind of future we have,” said Fonda.
Fonda and her fellow environmental activists have been pushing for months for what they term as a “just transition.” That is what they call the program which will supposedly protect all the workers who will lose their jobs once all of the progressive environmental ideas that they are pushing for are implemented and become reality.
During her rally on Friday, she was joined by other leftist activists who are claiming to represent the working class. As expected, Fonda criticized President Trump, saying that he is trying to bail out the rich and the large corporations. Then she praised the Democrats for helping out ordinary people by making changes to the legislation to help workers. She said that the Democrats “have fought to include financial aid for workers and small businesses, hospitals…but more, much more needs to be done.”
Nothing could be further from the truth because the Democrats actually blocked a measure that would have benefited small businesses and workers. But as expected, Hanoi Jane cannot really tell what’s happening on the ground. After all, this was the American actress who gamely posed for Vietnamese cameras at the height of the Vietnam War while she sat in the controls of an antiaircraft gun, which was used to down American planes and kill American pilots. She also snitched on American prisoners who mistakenly asked for her help to contact their families. Her treasonous acts have gone unpunished as she continues to espouse her unhinged views on the American public.