Michigan Power Grab: Whitmer Extends Lockdown
Governor Whitmer of Michigan extended the lockdown period of her state and has increased her executive power in the process. She has extended the lockdown period up until the 28th of May and has increased the powers of her office, even bypassing the legislature of the state.
Whitmer claims that the Republicans in the legislature are endangering the lives of the people in the state by ignoring the danger posed by the virus. She claims that she is keeping the lockdown in place to ensure that people will stay protected. She is not listening to her state’s legislature nor to the citizens who are protesting, some of whom have stormed into the state capitol, with several of them armed. They were demanding that she eases the restrictions that have been put in place.
Instead of listening to their demands, Whitmer gave an emergency declaration which also gave her more power. She can now issue orders that do require the approval of the legislature. The Republicans in the state legislature said that they will file resolutions seeking to limit the power of the governor, something that Whitmer has vowed she would veto.
Many have criticized Whitmer’s orders for the citizens of the state to go on lockdown. The sale of gardening supplies and home improvement materials have been banned, while abortion clinics have been deemed essential. Many of the citizens in the state are dissatisfied with the orders, especially since a million of them have lost their jobs already.
Others are criticizing Whitmer for being more concerned about auditioning to become creepy Joe Biden’s vice president. Her name has been of those being floated as a possible vice presidential candidate. She seems to be doing her actions in her home state as a means for gaining approval from the progressives in other parts of the country.
Joe Biden has announced that he would be picking a woman for his vice president. Considering the state that sleepy Joe is in, there is a good chance that his vice president will actually end up in the White House, which is why there is an intense interest as to who might it be. Unfortunately for the people of Michigan, Whitmer is bent on doing a good performance for her audition to become Biden’s running mate, that she forgot that there is an actual pandemic going on right now.