“Let Them Eat Ice Cream” Nancy Pelosi Continues To Push For Vote-By-Mail
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Wednesday during an interview on left-wing media MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that a “chunk of money” will be allocated in the next coronavirus stimulus bill to make Americans vote by mail.
Staunch Democrat and outspoken anti-Trumper Pelosi had been pushing for her vote-by-mail agenda since the beginning of the first stimulus bill.
Earlier this year, Pelosi appeared on an interview in “The Late Show” with host Stephen Colbert, and claimed that the whopping $400 million allocated in the stimulus bill to promote vote-by-mail was “not nearly enough.” According to her, an astonishing $2 billion is needed to be able to promote voting by mail.
The House Speaker failed to remember or even consider that the coronavirus stimulus bill was created mainly to help Americans in need amid the ongoing health crisis. She failed to acknowledge the millions of Americans who lost their jobs and the stock market, which has been on a downward spiral ever since the virus peaked and affected businesses and companies worldwide. But instead, Pelosi couldn’t stop trying to put her needs and agenda first.
It wasn’t surprising as Pelosi is known to be a tone-deaf avid left supporter. Just earlier this week, she was lambasted by President Donald Trump because she carelessly and mindlessly ate $13 gourmet ice creams on national television while the rest of the country, who she should have been serving and helping struggled to get by another day. Trump’s campaign released an ad that likened Pelosi to the lavish French monarch, Marie Antoinette. The ad highlighted Pelosi’s disconnect from the American people using captions that said, “Pelosi Snacks on Ice Cream While Americans Lose Their Paychecks.”
On Wednesday, when asked about the US intelligence agencies concluding that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential elections, Pelosi answered that she was not surprised as she watched the whole investigation process. “It leads you to the question about what does Vladimir Putin have on President Trump personally, politically, financially, in every way?” she continued.
Pelosi also claimed that they had been told that Russians are still trying to undermine our elections. She continued to say that the main reason we need to have a large chunk of money in the stimulus bill was to “protect the integrity of our elections, as well as enable the American people to vote by mail, especially at this time of a health danger in going to the polls.”
Pelosi concluded, saying that the billions she needs in the stimulus bill is the “lifeblood of our democracy” and that she is trying to protect the lives and livelihood of the American people. “That is what we are going to do in the next bill as well.”
Pelosi, together with her fellow Democrats, have been pushing for vote-by-mail ever since the coronavirus outbreak. They are claiming that this system is the safer system during the pandemic; however, what they always fail to mention is that the vote-by-mail process is not as ideal as they think, as it has a high likelihood of voter fraud.