In another virtual presidential fundraiser on Tuesday, Joe Biden admits he is excited because of the deadly coronavirus, as he believes it is the way to change the United States.

Presumptive Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden shocked the internet once again with his careless and thoughtless words. The notoriously gaffe-filled former vice president showed his true feelings regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, saying that he believes that the coronavirus crisis had made people realize “what is possible.” What he means with “what is possible” nobody really knows because, as usual, instead of providing concrete examples or forming coherent sentences, oldie Biden just blabbered.

To better understand Biden’s speech, a reporter from the New York Times transcribed it in a tweet.

“My Lord. Look at what is possible. Look at the institutional changes we can make—without us becoming a ‘socialist country,’ or any of that malarkey—that we can make to provide the opportunities to change the institutional drawbacks,” Biden rambled on.

Biden continued saying that if he sounds excited, it was because he really was. He was excited because, to him, the coronavirus pandemic was a “chance to really move the ball forward in the next three or four years.” Then, he finally dropped the ball and called on the younger voters in an attempt to appeal to them and make them vote for him in November.

Biden is not the only tone-deaf Democrat who has tried to turn the deadly coronavirus pandemic, which has affected nearly 2.5 million people worldwide and has killed over 45,000 Americans into something positive or that could spark hope. Maybe to Biden, it was exciting, but to millions of Americans, the coronavirus pandemic has cost them their jobs and their ability to provide food on the table.

Left-wing supporters weren’t afraid to show their true colors during this worldwide pandemic, just like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who happily enjoyed her gourmet ice cream and showcased her $24,000 fully-stocked fridge while the rest of America is struggling. And they didn’t stop there; lefts have been pushing for their interests in the coronavirus stimulus package. Also headed by Pelosi, they have been urging to include budgets for vote-by-mail in the stimulus package.

But thankfully, plenty of social media users were able to call Biden and his agenda out.

A user described what was actually happening right now in the country.

One was clearly tired of hearing what Biden has to say.

Another user, who was clearly Pro-Bernie said that Biden was more worried about socialism that he is with people being able to sleep or eat.

One figured Biden out, saying that he was trying to pander Bernie voters without scaring his own supporters.

And finally, Your Voice America’s host, Bill Mitchell, expressed his exhaustion of Democrats saying the same old thing about how coronavirus is a positive thing.