Pelosi Can’t Stop Trying To Get Money, For Her Own Agenda, Out Of The Relief Bill
During Thursday’s broadcast of “The Late Show”, Nanci Pelosi joined host Stephen Colbert to go over how “democracy” will work while America is locked down during this pandemic. Pelosi wasted no time informing the late night host of her partisan agenda and what democrats insisted be included in the original relief bill. Pelosi let Colbert know that they received $400 million dollars to promote voting by mail, which in her words, “is not nearly enough.” Pelosi claims they need AT LEAST 5 x that to meet the needs and protect the integrity of the American election infrastructure.
That is not a misprint, Pelosi said they need $2 BILLION to “promote” voting by mail while the country is in a pandemic that we haven’t come close to experiencing since 1918. The economy is falling, unemployment just hit a staggering 6.6 million and the speaker of the house wants the Democratic party to receive $2 billion to be used for promoting mail in voting. Pelosi did receive $400 million promoting a system that voter fraud has a high likelihood of running rampant.
Pelosi did not miss out on the opportunity to take a slanderous jab at Trump quoting him saying “if we support vote by mail, no Republicans will ever be elected” while questioning his faith in his own political party, followed by snide smerks from Colbert and Pelosi alike. I think Trump’s concern isn’t with Republican’s of America voting, as much as it is with the rampant voter fraud Democrats will commit if voting by mail is allowed.
She finishes up by claiming “this is what our forefathers would have wanted, to allow full participation”. In the next bill Pelosi plans to grab even more money to be able to do this. The irony in “full participation” at least makes me smile… Does she think we have already forgotten about the “closed-door impeachment hearings?