Rep. James Clyburn Likens Trump to Hitler, Warns America Could be the Next 1930’s Germany
On Sunday, Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn likened Trump to Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler during an interview with HBO’s Axios. The lawmaker described Trump as racist who could make the country like Germany during the Nazi leadership.
In a recently aired trailer from Axios, the website described Clyburn as one of the “top-ranking” African Americans in U.S. politics. In the clip, the lawmaker warned Americans that Trump could make the country “very well go the way of Germany in the 1930s.” Clyburn stated that he had often wondered how a progressive country like Germany could allow a violent dictator like Hitler to rise into power.
The lawmaker continued to say that as time goes by, he was starting to understand why. He concluded, based on the president’s recent State of the Union Address, that both Hitler and Trump were set to propagating false information. Moreover, he had also accused Republicans of turning a blind eye and supporting Trump, despite knowing that the president was lying.
He draws the comparison of how Germans remained complacent in the 1930s even though they knew Hitler was also spreading false truths. “Anything that’s happened before can happen again,” Clyburn said.
He added that it was the very reason why he wanted to “ring an alarm.” In another clip, the host asked Clyburn if Trump is racist, to which Clyburn replied that he did not know. However, as the host pressed on, the congressman finally admits that he indeed finds Trump, racist.
Moreover, he was also asked if he believed that it is important for Democratic front-runner Joe Biden to pick a female running mate. Clyburn agreed and suggested that the former vice-president should choose a woman of color—just like him.
The question was a response to Clyburn’s endorsement with the Democratic front-runner Joe Biden. In fact, the lawmaker had been credited for being the man behind the former vice-president’s successful campaign in the South Carolina primary.
On Sunday, Biden confirmed that he is going to pick a female running mate during the recently concluded CNN-Univision Debate in Washington D.C. Biden vowed that if he is to win the 2020 general elections, he will pick a woman as the vice-president.
In a column for The Hill, opinion writer, Armstrong Williams wrote that although Biden was able to win the black votes in the primaries, the unprecedented economic changes that the president had made will be enough for the Republicans to secure the votes from the African American community. Williams also called out the glaring hypocrisy in the Democratic party, stating that while they advocate for racial diversity, they only have two old men to represent the opposition.