Jane Fonda Endorses Sanders, Calls Him the “Climate President”
Climate activist and actress Jane Fonda officially endorsed “Democratic socialist” Sen. Bernie Sanders, stating that he is the only candidate who can address climate issues.
Fonda told USA Today before she hosted a demonstration in San Pedro on Friday that Americans needed to get a climate president in office and that there was only one at the moment, and that’s none other than Bernie Sanders.
During the demonstration, Fonda demanded oil companies to stop a new drilling activity. The actress also blamed the fossil industry for causing global warming, telling the crowd that there’s a bunch of white men getting rich while harming people’s health.
Fonda continued, “We have to say no more fossil fuels. Windmills are great, and solar panels are great, and Priuses are great. And we have to do all of that. But it’s not going to matter if we don’t stop the drilling and the fracking and the exporting and the refining of fossil fuels.”
LAX aviation service worker Jovan Houston, introduced by Diane Lane, speaks to pollution’s impact on her family: “I shouldn’t have to search for clean air. I shouldn’t have to worry about giving my son a machine to breathe every day... It should be free air. Free, clean air.” pic.twitter.com/PahytRWgOI
— Charles Trepany (@CTrepany) March 6, 2020
She also claimed that these oil companies had made a “deliberate” decision to place drilling sites into colored communities. Fonda declared that, “It is no accident, that these wells, these refineries, are put into communities of people of color, of poor working-class people. It is deliberate. It is called racism, environmental racism.”
Oil sites in communities like Wilmington are not a coincidence. There's a reason we don't see them in wealthier, predominately white communities — it's environmental racism. @Janefonda #FireDrillFriday pic.twitter.com/MmT6c3xLnP
— Greenpeace USA (@greenpeaceusa) March 7, 2020
In another viral video, Fonda also called out a day of “civil disobedience” to protest against new drilling activities in the neighborhoods and calling the event “Fire Drill Fridays.” She claimed that people’s lives in Wilmington are being destroyed due to the fossil industry in the area.
We are ready to make a ruckus with @Janefonda and frontline communities at Warren E&P
— Fire Drill Fridays (@FireDrillFriday) March 6, 2020
In Wilmington right now, Warren Energy & Power is putting families at risk with its toxic drilling practices. #FireDrillFriday pic.twitter.com/ILRbVO9PxC
The actress had been known for her political opinions. In 1972, Fonda posed on top of an anti-aircraft gun in Hanoi with North Vietnamese soldiers to protest against the Vietnam War. Her crazy antics earned her the nickname “Hanoi Jane.”
Fonda is one of the celebrities who had recently announced their support to “crazy Bernie.” Sanders, who has been a staunch “climate” advocate, has unveiled an aggressive climate policy, one of which is the Green New Deal, which was aimed to tackle the global climate crisis. He’s advocacies have been supported by numerous Hollywood hotshots including aging talk show host Dick Van Dyke, as well as Cardi B, Lizzo, Susan Sarandon, Mark Ruffalo, and Kirsten Dunst.
If he is to win the presidency, Sanders will put oil companies and numerous jobs at risk by declaring that “100% renewable energy for electricity and transportation by no later than 2030 and complete decarbonization by at least 2050.”