Hollywood Lefty Winona Ryder Says Living Under Trump Has Been a Mind-boggling Nightmare
Winona Ryder couldn’t help herself from making a political statement as she promoted her HBO limited series, The Plot Against America. Predictably, she made some highly critical remarks regarding President Donald Trump and his administration.
Ryder tried to connect her “woke” reasoning with the show that she’s promoting. She said that one of the reasons why she signed up for the show was because it was highly relevant to what was happening to the country politically. Her show, which will premiere on March 16 on HBO, is based on a Phillip Roth novel that explores an alternative history for the United States. In it, Charles Lindbergh became the President of the United States by winning the 1940 elections. Lindbergh then implements an America-first regime, which is fascist in nature. The Jews were also increasingly persecuted in the country.
It is easy to make the connection as to why Ryder believes that her show about a fascist and racist America is highly relevant today. Speaking during the show’s glitzy red carpet premiere in New York, where other rich, white liberal artists surrounded her, Ryder said that, “Obviously a lot has been weighing on all of our minds. The whole fear of ‘the other’ in the eyes of fascism, what’s happening at the border, all of that is so outrageous and I think the last few years has been such a mind-boggling like nightmare in so many ways.”
“When I think about this project, it makes me want to speak out and do whatever I can, and the way to do that right now is to vote,” the actress added. It can be remembered that Ryder was convicted of grand theft back in 2002 for stealing designer clothes from a store in Beverly Hills. There are also allegations that she was addicted to painkillers.
The other people involved in the show are just as angry at Trump as the actress is. The show’s producer, David Simon compared President Trump’s immigration policies to the Holocaust. “We know what happened in WWII; we know what the Holocaust was, we know what America first meant in 1940 and what was at stake,” Simon warned.
The producer is a veteran when it comes to hating and criticizing the President. His most infamous moment might be when he told a Trump supporter on social media, “you should die of a slow-moving venereal rash that settles in your lying throat.” That outburst got him suspended on Twitter. With an actress like Ryder and a producer like Simon, the show is promising to be another woke snoozefest.