Parents Suing Wisconsin School For Allowing Students to Switch Gender Identities And Hiding It From Them
A group of parents are furious with Wisconsin schools for enabling students to transition into another gender while hiding it from them.
Madison Metropolitan School District teachers have been ordered to “deceive parents” by using the child’s birth name and biological sex whenever the parents are present.
Fourteen parents have filed a lawsuit against the Madison Metropolitan School stating, “The policy enables children, of any age, to socially transition to a different gender identity at school without parental notice or consent, requires all teachers to enable this transition, and then prohibits teachers from communicating with parents about this potentially life-altering choice without the child’s consent.” The lawsuit added that by allowing teachers and staff to deceive parents, it violates “parents fundamental and constitutional right to direct the upbringing of their children.”
“For some plaintiffs, gender identity issues also have deep religious significance,” reads the lawsuit. The lawsuit states 11 of the plantiffs are “Christians who seek to apply their beliefs to everything they teach their children, including about their sex,” and they “believe that the two sexes are a core part of God’s intended design for humanity.”
Rick Esenberg, President and General Counsel of the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL), said in a statement, “Madison schools have adopted policies that violate constitutionally recognized parental rights. A public school district should not, and cannot, make decisions reserved for parents.”
It all started in April of 2018 when the school district in the state’s capital adopted a new policy, “MMSD Guidance & Policies to Support Transgender, Non-binary & Gender-Expansive Students.” The guidelines include school staff being held responsible for referring students by their “affirmed names and pronouns,” and not disclosing the information about the student’s gender identity to others including parents, guardians, and other school staff unless legally required to do so or unless the students has given permission to do so.
Until policies are changed, Jimmy can go to school and pretend he is Jane, the teachers and other students will call him Jane. He can dress and act like Jane, but his parents do not have the right to know, according to the school’s policy. How would you feel if Jimmy was your son?