During an interview, a reporter asked Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin about Greta Thunberg’s environmental plan. Mnuchin replied with friendly advice for the teenager to study economics so that Thunberg would understand the massive economic implications of her proposals. CNN Chris Cuomo was quick to chime into Thunberg’s defense when just last year his media company lashed out on a Kentucky student.

The exchange with Mnuchin is as follows:

Reporter: “Greta Thunberg has called for public and private sector divestment from fossil fuel companies. Does that pose a threat to this U.S. economic growth that you guys are talking about?”

Mnuchin: “Is she the chief economist or who is she? I’m confused.”

Reporter: “Greta Thunberg.”

Mnuchin: “It’s a joke! After she goes and studies economics in college she can go back and explain that to us.”

In a tweet, CNN news anchor Christopher Cuomo went into Thunberg’s defense. “Why do these trumpers think it is ok to go at a kid?” Cuomo wrote.

However, Cuomo received a major backlash as he was reminded of the incident that involved his media company, CNN last year.

The incident happened during a March for Life rally in 2019, as several high school students from Covington Catholic High School, including Nicholas Sandmann, were filmed standing peacefully at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington when a Native American man backed by a group of hecklers who wore “Black Israelites” shirt tried to start an altercation.

CNN had used the short clip of the footage as propaganda against President Trump’s “Make America Great Again” campaign. The media had recklessly mishandled the story, which placed high school students at the center of hate and massive cyberbullying. The problem is that none of the accusations by the left-winged media was true.

As a result, Sandmann sued the network for millions. Thankfully, just this year, CNN paid the family with an undisclosed amount for mishandling the story.

As Lin Wood said in an interview with Fox News, “CNN was probably more vicious in its direct attacks on Nicholas than The Washington Post. And CNN goes into millions of individuals’ homes. CNN couldn’t resist the idea that here’s a guy with a young boy, with that Make America Great Again cap on. So they go after him … They really went after Nicholas with the idea that he was part of a mob that was attacking the Black Hebrew Israelites, yelling racist slurs at the Black Hebrew Israelites. Totally false. Now you say you’ve seen the tape; if you took the time to look at the full context of what happened that day, Nicholas Sandmann did absolutely nothing wrong. He was, as I’ve said to others, he was the only adult in the room.”

While left-winged media continued to advocate for equality, and gender rights, the recent event is a reflection of the double standards that exist, in news coverage. In fact, CNN had just realized a headline that said: “Cuomo: GOP protected Baron Trump, why not Greta Thunberg?”

Tweets were also quick to point out the double standards in media. Some of the replies are: