NY Times Columnist Paul Krugman Thinks QAnon Downloaded Child Porn on His Computer
On Wednesday, New York Times opinion columnist Paul Krugman claimed someone broke into his computer and downloaded child pornography.
“Well, I’m on the phone with my computer security service, and as I understand it someone compromised my IP address and is using it to download child pornography,” Krugman wrote in a tweet. “I might just be a random target. But this could be an attempt to Qanon me. It’s an ugly world out there.”
Krugman added, “The New York Times in now on the case.”
The Times is now on the case.
— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) January 8, 2020
Later, Krugman deleted the tweet.
Here it is. pic.twitter.com/GpW8Ohv3uV
— Aaron (@Real_AaronM) January 9, 2020
I've already screenshotted it and fired it off everywhere I know of on Facebook. It's getting tremendous LAUGHS!!
— Deplorable Thor (@HondaV65) January 9, 2020
The fact he deleted the tweet, only makes him look more guilty!!
Skeptics replied to Krugman’s tweet, some calling him a liar. Some used the opportunity to make fun of Krugman.
It’s interesting you also just happen write for the same leftist rag that tried to peddle pedophila as a “disorder” and not a crime.
— Mindy Robinson 🇺🇸 (@iheartmindy) January 8, 2020
No one believes you were hacked, bro. Nobody. 👌🏻 https://t.co/btttQD5hGO
The biggest tell that you’re lying is that no one would be motivated to debase you more than you already have
— Adam Trahan (@AdamTrahan) January 8, 2020
Or is Krugman doing what I’ve seen many perps do?
— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) January 8, 2020
Getting in front of a criminal problem and trying to deflect, because this makes no sense.
No one normal would tweet this. They’d call law enforcement and handle quietly. https://t.co/9KBBY52gIW
1998 Paul Krugman: "By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the Internet's impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine's."
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) January 8, 2020
2020 Paul Krugman: https://t.co/YmEm6PqaDk
In November 2016, Krugman, a Nobel Prize winning economist, predicted a Donald Trump presidency would cause a world wide recession.
“Under any circumstances, putting an irresponsible, ignorant man who takes his advice from all the wrong people in charge of the nation with the world’s most important economy would be very bad news,” Krugman wrote in an opinion piece for New York Times. “What makes it especially bad right now, however, is the fundamentally fragile state much of the world is still in.”
“Now comes the mother of all adverse effects — and what it brings with it is a regime that will be ignorant of economic policy and hostile to any effort to make it work,” Krugman wrote. “So we are very probably looking at a global recession, with no end in sight. I suppose we could get lucky somehow. But on economics, as on everything else, a terrible thing has just happened.”
Krugman is well known for his 1988 prediction: “The growth of the Internet will slow drastically, as the flaw in ‘Metcalfe’s law’–which states that the number of potential connections in a network is proportional to the square of the number of participants–becomes apparent: most people have nothing to say to each other! By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the Internet’s impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine’s.”
I'm waiting for Krugman to fax in his update of the economy. pic.twitter.com/8FYoEEhrBO
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) May 30, 2018
Here’s more reactions to Krugman’s earlier claim that someone hacked his computer and downloaded child pornography:
Ven a ver, @MariCarmen90, por lo visto el amigo tiene algunas dificultades entendiendo cosas muy evidentes del mundo (online) actual. Y ya ves que no es la primera vez. Es ilustrativo de que ser muy laureado en algunas cosas no tiene porqué ir de la mano de ser un memo en otras. pic.twitter.com/OMiCt5nla4
— Mario G. C. (@MarioGCosme) January 9, 2020
— Greg (@Money_Moose) January 8, 2020
— GI Joey Joe Joe (@GIJoeyJoeJoe) January 8, 2020
That's not how IP addresses work, Paul, but of course you know that.
— Aldous Huxley's Ghost™ (@AF632) January 8, 2020
You're right about one thing, though: it is an ugly world out there. You shouldn't have downloaded some of it.
Mmhmm... and what's next? You gonna try to convince us you lost weight eating Subway sandwiches?
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) January 8, 2020
Think Mrs. Krugman will buy it?
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) January 8, 2020
I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to go straight to law enforcement to sort this out instead of Twitter... The fact you went to Twitter is... Very concerning.
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) January 8, 2020