University of Notre Dame Activists Demand Fewer White Authors From Curriculum
Student activists at the University of Notre Dame are asking for the removal of white authors from the university’s curriculum in an attempt to “eliminate the violence of only privileging white scholarship.” The “End Hate at ND” group demands that the curriculum be revised so that minority authors will make up for at least 50 percent of the required reading.
The demand states, “No course or program of study should have a view limited to white, western, and/or male voices. We demand that people who are of Color, Indigenous, Black, queer, or not male are represented in the authorship of at least half course and major required readings.”
End Hate at ND describes itself as “an initiative for organizing civil action against racist, xenophobic, sexist, trans-exclusionary, & queer-phobic structures at Notre Dame.”
The End Hate at ND activists posted a list of other demands labeled “Decolonize Academia” to their Instagram page. The demands include diversity trainings in dormitories, ending the campus policy of “parietals” that doesn’t permit students of the opposite sex to spend the night together in dorms, and asks for the university to cooperate with local Native American tribes.