Looks like another “senior moment” for old Joe Biden. In a desperate attempt to appeal to Hispanics who are largely flocking to President Trump due to record low unemployment, the Biden campaign launched their Latino outreach initiative named “Todos Con Biden” or “All with Biden”.

Ok, seems pretty standard, right? What’s the problem? Well, Biden and his campaign staffers launched the campaign, but they forgot to register the domain, todosconbiden.com and the twitter handle @todosconbiden. However, a quick-thinking Trump staffer did think to do so.

The website, like the header of the twitter page says “Oops, Joe forgot about Latinos” in both English and Spanish, as well as, “Joe is all talk” - https://todosconbiden.com/. It then says “Let’s Go” or “Vamos” and takes you to the “Latinos for Trump” page.

This is an embarrassing gaffe for the aging politician who has already been attacked for his age and made to look very, very old and absent minded both by fellow Democratic candidates and by his own speeches.

The new twitter account is not helping. In the account’s 7 tweets so far it shows Biden advocating for a border fence, meeting with Venezualan dictator Nicolas Maduro, and delivering the quote that ““Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”