With so many people running for the Democratic nomination for President, the candidates seemingly try to outdo each other every day by reacting to things in the strongest way possible on social media. The announcement on Tuesday that House Democrats are moving forward with impeachment hearings was red meat for these publicity hungry candidates. Here is how each of the top 10 hopefuls reacted to the impeachment talk in the last 24-hours.

Joe Biden The Democratic frontrunner who is also at the center of the Ukrainian call scandal has stayed relatively quiet other than a tweet right around the time of Nancy Pelosi’s announcement calling President Trump’s actions “an abuse of power”.

Elizabeth Warren Warren linked to a video of herself on the Racheal Maddow show calling for impeachment 5 months ago. She also issued a thank you to the protesters who pushed Democratic lawmakers to impeach. Today she tweeted that the President has “admitted” wrongdoing and that the transcripts “confirm” it.

Bernie Sanders The socialist candidate has stuck mostly to tweeting about his economic ideas except for a tweet about President Trump being the “most corrupt president” in the history of the U.S.

Pete Buttigieg “Mayor Pete” put out a video of himself on Chris “Fredo” Cuomo’s CNN show saying that this is a “moment of truth” and calling out Republicans for defending the President.


Robert “Beto” O’Rourke “Beto” has tweeted a lot about impeachment in the last 24-hours. He has called the President “unfit”, circulated a personal impeachment petition and, like Mayor Pete, called out Republicans around the country.

Kamala Harris Harris took to social media to post multiple videos of herself speaking live, reading statements and pontificating on TV. She also called President Trump the “least patriotic president” ever. The list she read from was a list she has been “carrying around” of President Trump’s “impeachable offences”.

Cory Booker Booker announced that President Trump has been “corrupting the office since the beginning” and saying that with the release of the Ukraine transcript, “the White House “agreed”.

Julian Castro Castro has been tweeting up a storm in a desperate bid to buoy his fialing candidacy. He has said the Attorney General has “zero credibility” and that the transcript is a “smoking gun”.

Andrew Yang Entrepreneur Yang gave the most thoughtful, measured, and interesting response to the impeachment saying that removing Trump from office is “highly unlikely”.

Amy Klobuchar Klobuchar has refused to call the transcript a “transcript” instead referring to it as a memo, implying that there is more that was not released. She has also agreed with the House impeachment proceedings.