Don Lemon Vs Don Lemon On The Border Crisis
The heartbreaking photo of the deceased father and his daughter, identified as Oscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez and his 23-month old daughter, Angie Valeria, both face down on the riverbank of the Rio Grande was shown on CNN yesterday. It’s absolutely tragic that any human would be so desperate to leave their country that they would be willing to jeopardize their own life and their child’s to escape.
Many critics say Don Lemon was being overly dramatic when he said, “Sorry, that picture. I can’t even look at it. I can’t even look at it, Chris, every time it comes up I just have to look away, I can’t. And I’m not being dramatic, it’s just…” Cuomo replied: “Dramatic? Of course it kills you. It kills every part of you. Very part of us that makes us human. This issues, not since what I saw during the war, that was being ignored here at home, has something ripped at me and made me feel like I’m not doing my job right.”
But it wasn’t too long ago that Don Lemon said himself that there wasn’t a crisis at the border. Watch this video and see how fast he changed his tune. Don Lemon vs. Don Lemon on the border crisis:
Don Lemon vs. Don Lemon on the border
— Jason Howerton (@jason_howerton) June 27, 2019
Remember in February of 2019, when Don Lemon said that President Trump manufactured the crisis at border? He called it a “fake national emergency” that was politically motivated.
On March 14, 2019, Senator Elizabeth Warren tweeted that it was “a fake crisis at the border” and she voted to terminate Trump’s ridiculous “national emergency.”
A fake crisis at the border is fear-mongering of the worst kind—and we’re not falling for it. I voted to terminate the president’s ridiculous “national emergency.”
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) March 14, 2019
Warren re-released her video footage and said she’s known about the crisis at the border for at least a year. Can she finally make up her mind? Warren visited the detainment facility a year ago, but posted the clip again to Twitter on Tuesday. She wrote, “One year ago, I was in McAllen to see the families ripped apart by the Trump admin. A year later, his administration is fighting to make sure the kids held in those cages don’t have soap or toothbrushes. This is a humanitarian crisis, and @realDonaldTrump is responsible for it.”
Meanwhile, people are outraged that the AP would publish the graphic images of the dead father and his baby.
Absolutely disgusted that AP is running the image of two dead bodies on the shores of the Rio Grande -- including that of a baby girl. U.S. media never do this with white bodies. But sometimes darker bodies are fair game. It's gruesome and wholly unnecessary.
— Aura Bogado (@aurabogado) June 25, 2019
What are your thoughts? Do you think this heartbreaking photo of this father and daughter should have been published? And how can Don Lemon and Senator Warren change their story so quickly? Do they think we forgot? Our heads are spinning!