Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has thought up another reason for how she can pretend outrage against President Donald Trump. After the third and last presidential debate, the rookie lawmaker complained that President Trump only referred to her as AOC. She claimed that it is a form of disrespect.

She vented her frustration on Twitter. “I wonder if Republicans understand how much they advertise their disrespect of women in debates when they consistently call women members of Congress by nicknames or first names while using titles & last names when referring to men of = stature. Women notice. It conveys a lot,” AOC said.

OC posted a follow-up tweet clarifying that she is not offended by the nickname, claiming that it has been given to her by her community and the people. What she wants is to be called by her title by other government officials. “AOC is a name given to me by the community & the people. Y’all can call me AOC,” she said in the tweet. “Government colleagues referring to each other in a public or professional context (aka who don’t know me like that) should refer to their peers as “Congresswoman,” “Representative,” etc. Basic respect 101.”

President Trump mentioned her during the debate during the part when they were talking about climate change. “They know nothing about the climate. I mean, she’s got a good line of stuff, but she knows nothing about the climate. And they’re all hopping through hoops for AOC+3. Look, they’re real play costs $100 trillion. If we had the best year in the history of our country for 100 years, we would not even come close to a number like that,” the President responded.

Leftists like AOC have this sense of entitlement which allows them to demand respect from others even if they have done nothing to show that they deserve that respect. She actually uses the name “AOC” on her social media accounts, and the media refers to her that way. Apparently, she is just looking for reasons to be offended by the President to get some attention during the debate.