Presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke met with over one hundred people to discuss gun prevention in Newtown, Connecticut, at a community center just three miles from the site of the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

A woman identified as Rebecca Carnes from Newtown criticized O’Rourke, “You’re here to hijack this town and to try and make an issue out of getting guns out of good people’s hands that can make a difference, and you know that, Beto.”

“No, this is bullshit, it’s about mental health, and it’s about this war on boys and masculinity.” Carnes continued. “You’re bullshit by being here. Shame on you, Beto.”

Carnes asked why O’Rourke wouldn’t debate her and demanded that he answered her. “Come on, bring it on, Beto. Let me hear what do you have to say about mental health? What do you have to say about urban violence? You don’t care. The Democrats have been in charge of urban communities and cities for decades. The Democrats have failed. They don’t care about you, sir.”

Carnes made some very good points, especially that O’Rourke should be ashamed of himself. He declined to answer Carnes questions about mental health and gun violence. O’Rourke claimed he went to Newtown to listen to what people want. He told the crowd, “I have come here tonight, not to pitch myself not to lay on a platform, not to campaign, but to listen to the people of Newtown.”

But as Carnes pointed out, O’Rourke is full of BS. The former Texas representative invited members of the press to the Newtown town hall along with partisan activists that align with his beliefs about gun control.

Carnes yelled. “You’re at Sandy Hook, ground zero, right before an election. Shame on you, Beto. Democrats are out, Trump 2020.”

Warning: Graphic language

We need more citizens like Rebecca Carnes who will stand up for our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms because there are too many people who don’t understand what will happen if our guns are confiscated. O’Rourke doesn’t understand either - he thinks the criminals will give up their guns like law abiding citizens.