An abortion-rights activist group known as The Satanic Temple announced on Wednesday that they had posted billboards in Texas and in Florida that promote what they are calling as “religious abortion ritual.” The group is claiming that their members can get “first-trimester abortions upon demand in states that have enacted the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).” In other words, they can get abortions under the guise of religious freedom.

Planned Parenthood, the leader in the abortion industry, has been working alongside The Satanic Temple to fight any kind of restriction on abortions. Back in 2019, The Satanic Temple claimed that the IRS had recognized them as a church which gives them tax-exemption.

“As a federally-recognized religion, The Satanic Temple utilizes RFRA and the Hobby Lobby precedent to protect its members from unnecessary abortion regulations that inhibit their religious practices and force them to violate their deeply-held beliefs,” the group states on its website.

Despite its name, the group claims that they do not believe in the existence of Satan. They claim that religion should be divorced from superstition. Despite those claims, the group is using religious terms to push for abortion rights among their members. It’s the same tactic by which Planned Parenthood pretends that the killing of unborn children is a necessary part of healthcare.

“Religious freedom ensures Satanists have access to safe abortions that are free from unwarranted state interference,” the group claims on its website. They argue that because abortion is part of their religious ritual, then their members are exempt from the waiting periods, counseling, and other requirements for those trying to get an abortion. In other words, they believe that they are free to get an abortion whenever they want to.

Sydney Goodwin, The Satanic Temple’s spokesperson, says that “We want our members to know that performing our religious abortion ritual means they do not have to fulfill regulations that require them to violate their religious beliefs when they have decided to terminate their pregnancy.”